Local San Antonio Leaders Aim to Connect and Inspire Women in Business and Tech

Women in tech networking

Local San Antonio Leaders Aim to Connect and Inspire Women in Business and Tech


Local leaders in San Antonio, Texas, are uniting efforts to influence and link women in the arenas of business and technology. Two key events are on the schedule this week with the sole focus of boosting the representation of women in these sectors. Today, women account for just over a third of those employed in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) related fields, and a mere 2% of woman-founded companies received venture capital funding last year, which led to this initiative.

Leading Women in Tech Event

The first event, called “Leading Women in Tech”, organized by Women in Robotics in San Antonio, takes place at the Capital Factory located in the Boeing Center at Port San Antonio on Wednesday evening. The interactive, talk show-style event offers a unique platform, featuring numerous women making notable contributions in the local tech scene. Industries represented will span cybersecurity, aerospace, robotics, and 3D printing.

One notable featured speaker is Bianca Rhodes, President and CEO of Knight Aerospace. Rhodes’ innovative company designs self-contained modules that can be loaded into military aircraft, functioning as mobile medical rooms to treat patients while in transit. Since her acquisition of the company in 2017, Rhodes has been a driving force in changing the gender representation in STEM related fields.

Women Founders Network’s “Marketing Strategy: Connecting to Your Perfect Customer”

The second event, taking place on Friday morning at Geekdom, is organized by the Women Founders Network. Here, aspiring women entrepreneurs will receive guidance and support to step into business leadership roles. This forum will particularly cover the fundamental strategies of connecting businesswomen with their ideal customers.

Cat Dizon, co-founder of Active Capital and chair of Geekdom’s Board of Directors, saw the necessity for a community of women founders. She describes the aim of these gatherings as a bid to offer resources, build networks, inspire, and teach women the fundamental principles of business.

Women Founders Network’s Future Events

Looking ahead, the Women Founders Network has planned several upcoming workshops focusing on various aspects of business growth. These include banking strategies happening on April 26th, legal structures on May 31st, and a women’s funding fair on June 28th. These will all lead up to an exclusive “Women Founders Network only” Pitch Event at the SA Startup Week in October.


The efforts made by local leaders towards empowering women—particularly in the business and tech sectors—is indeed a celebration of Women’s History Month. These initiatives provide an inspiring testament to the progress we are making towards an equal representation in these fields. Empowerment comes not only from awareness, but also from providing opportunities and resources, and these events are a commendable step in the right direction. San Antonio’s women in STEM-related fields are carving out a name for themselves, forming a thriving and supportive community. These events will surely serve to expand their reach and impact, inspiring the next generation of women in business and technology.

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