San Antonio Promotes Eco-Friendly Fiesta

Eco-friendly Fiesta parade scene.

San Antonio Promotes Eco-Friendly Fiesta

Eco-Friendly Fiesta: San Antonio Leads the Way in Sustainable Celebrations

San Antonio, a city renowned for its annual Fiesta, is stepping up its game this year by promoting eco-friendly practices amongst the flurry of festive activities. In line with its commitment to environmental stewardship, the City’s Office of Sustainability is urging both residents and visitors to adopt greener habits as they revel in the celebrations.

Embrace Biodegradables, Reject Plastic

The Office of Sustainability encourages party-goers to opt for biodegradable or flower confetti as opposed to their metallic or plastic counterparts, the latter posing a potential threat to the city’s wildlife and river. Further, party-goers are implored to verify the contents of their confetti cannons, ensuring these contain 100% biodegradable, water-soluble confetti, and to remember to recycle the cannon tubes thereafter.

Reuse, Recycle, and Go Paperless

Minimizing waste stands as an integral part of the City’s drive to keep San Antonio green. As such, they suggest bringing drinks and snacks in reusable containers and utilizing the reusable cups available at these events – a perfect takeaway souvenir. Moreover, recycling stations managed by the City’s Solid Waste Management will be on stand, readily available to dispose of bottles and cans, especially along Battle of Flowers or Fiesta Flambeau parade routes. Furthermore, attendees should keep an eye out for giant inflatable recycling and organic bins stationed throughout.

To further reduce waste, electronic tickets or e-tickets are preferred over paper tickets for Fiesta events. Attendees are advised to confirm electronic ticket options prior to printing them at home.

Alternative Transportation Options

Carbon footprint reduction is a another key component of San Antonio’s eco-friendly transformation. The city is advocating for the use of alternative methods such as cycling, walking, ridesharing, or carpooling alongside the utilization of public transit. Attendees are encouraged to give the VIA Metropolitan Transit bus and Park & Ride services a go – both convenient and environmentally-friendly ways to commute.

Proper Waste Disposal: Keep the City Clean

Lastly, San Antonio implores attendees to uphold its cleanliness by properly disposing of trash in designated bins and containers. The city puts a strong emphasis on preserving the San Antonio River, a major city landmark, by actively deterring littering and promoting compliant waste disposal procedures.

For more information on the City’s sustainability initiatives, residents and visitors can visit the sustainability dashboard on the San Antonio sustainability website. There, they’ll find the city’s approach to environmental stewardship.

By adhering to these eco-friendly practices, San Antonio hopes to provide an enjoyable and sustainable Fiesta experience for everyone involved. Green confetti and all, this year’s Fiesta might be the most memorable yet – not only for its celebrations but for its commitment to our planet as well!

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