Vehicles Collide at Accident-Prone Intersection in San Antonio

Intersection Collision Chaos captured.

Vehicles Collide at Accident-Prone Intersection in San Antonio

San Antonio witnessed yet another crash at a notorious intersection on the city’s West Side on Wednesday evening. Around **5:30 p.m.**, security footage captured the startling moment a vehicle sped through the intersection of **Castroville Road and Dahlgreen Avenue**, colliding with another car.

The Incident Unfolds

The impact was severe, flipping one vehicle **upside down** and sending the other careening off-road. Fortunately, those involved in the crash emerged **unscathed**, according to San Antonio police.

Background on the Intersection

This intersection has been a hotspot for accidents, with local residents expressing their concerns over its safety. In a recent segment of **Know My Neighborhood**, community members highlighted that crashes occur frequently at this troublesome intersection.

Statistics Highlight the Danger

According to a traffic report from the San Antonio Police Department, there were **four reported crashes** at this intersection between **January 1 and June 30, 2023**. The previous year also saw **four accidents**, and **five** incidents were reported in **2021**. The majority of these accidents are attributed to driver inattention and failure to yield right-of-way.

City’s Response

In response to the ongoing issue, the **City of San Antonio’s Public Works Department** is currently conducting a traffic study of the intersection. This study is anticipated to be completed in the **fall**, potentially leading to enhancements in traffic safety measures at this location.

This latest incident adds to the growing calls for improved safety features, as community members hope for a resolution to the dangerous conditions at Castroville Road and Dahlgreen Avenue.

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