Iconic Ramones Mural Decorates Window Front at San Antonio’s The Mix

Punk rock mural reflection.

Iconic Ramones Mural Decorates Window Front at San Antonio’s The Mix

Iconic Ramones Mural Decorates Window Front at San Antonio’s The Mix

Ramones Mural at The Mix
Michael Wagner’s new Ramones mural replaces a broken window along a popular stretch of the St. Mary’s Strip.

A Permanent Fixture for an Eventful Window

In San Antonio, The Mix, a popular music venue, has used art to transform a misfortune into a lasting tribute to the iconic punk band, The Ramones. The venue’s front window, blocked away after a violent incident, is now a canvas for a striking mural by the prolific artist Nik Soupé, aka “Soup.”

The incident that led to the mural’s creation wasn’t the first of its kind. In fact, the window had been broken more than once, leading The Mix’s owners to creatively rethink its replacement. This resulted in the creation of an impressive mural that stands along the bustling St. Mary’s Strip, offering a splash of visual narrative to passersby.

From Broken Window to Artistic Tribute

Around 3 a.m. one fateful night, following a service, a spat between two men resulted in one of them crashing through the window. Rather than opting for the same old glass window, the venue’s management invited Soupé to emblaze the boarded-up space with a tribute to The Ramones, a band celebrated for their contribution to the punk movement.

Soupé’s mural draws inspiration from the band’s self-titled debut album cover, capturing the band members leaning against a wall, mirroring the artwork of the iconic Roberta Bayley. Featuring landmark tracks such as “Blitzkrieg Bop” and “Beat on the Brat,” the album, although not an instant commercial success, remains a cornerstone in music history.

Artwork Fostered by Passion and Inspiration

In Soupé’s own words, “The Ramones are one of those bands who have staying power,” a sentiment echoed by music enthusiasts and punk rock fans worldwide. Soupé’s other works at The Mix include mural tributes to Blondie’s Debbie Harry and a planned mural for Joy Division’s Ian Curtis. These tributes are part of his “Rocker” series, celebrating key musical figures throughout history.

San Antonio’s St. Mary’s Strip is home to several other musical murals by Soupé, including The Cure’s Robert Smith’s portrayal at The Amp Room. Soup is set to replace his mural of the Beastie Boys at Paper Tiger with images of local musicians, intending to pay respect to the local scene.

Always busy, Soupé is also working on a mural of Chris Paul at Rudy’s Steakhouse, a testament to the recent addition to the local Spurs’ lineup.

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