Fiesta Fun Without Regrets: Drive Sober!

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Fiesta Fun Without Regrets: Drive Sober!

Fiesta Fun Without Regrets: Drive Sober!

Anticipation for Fiesta as Texas Department of Transportation Drives Safety Campaign

As the excitement for the upcoming Fiesta continues to mount in San Antonio, the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) is taking the opportunity to press home an essential message — No excuses, drive sober! Amid the revelry and festive fun, the safety of attendees remains the top priority, especially given the shocking statistic presented by the TxDOT that there were 1,700 deadly alcohol-related crashes within the state last year.

Shockingly, San Antonio was reported to have the highest rate of these accidents in the state, thus making this safety campaign all the more crucial and urgent. With the Fiesta about to begin in the following week, everyone who plans to attend is urged to have a plan for their safe return home and, above all, to make no excuses for driving sober.

Preemptive Measures and Advice

Organizing your transportation well in advance will enable you to fully enjoy the Fiesta without regret. With this in mind, TxDOT is encouraging everyone to either designate a sober driver for their group or make use of a rideshare service. Such forethought ensures that not just you, but also others on the road, remain safe and free from harm.

This advice is as much for those outside of San Antonio who plan to drive into the city for the Fiesta. No matter where the point of origin, the journey home must be made safely. TxDOT’s message remains clear and unequivocal — drive sober!

Making Safety a Celebration-Wide Norm

What is equally important to stressing individual responsibility, is the role of the community in endorsing and upholding these safety measures. To this effect, TxDOT’s message is aimed at everybody attending the Fiesta to ensure that driving sober becomes the norm, rather than the exception.

The festivities are a joyous occasion when friends and families come together to celebrate, and everyone has a part to play in making it an event free from the shadow of avoidable tragedies. It is a time for celebration and, as the TxDOT reminds us, a time for everybody to observe the basic rule, not just for the Fiesta but for every day — No excuses, drive sober!

Let’s all make Fiesta 2024 memorable for all the right reasons. So, let’s heed the call from TxDOT and ensure that we have Fiesta fun without regrets. Remember, it’s better to arrive late than never!

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