Local Bands Ignite San Antonio With A Roaring Beat

Live music community celebration.

Local Bands Ignite San Antonio With A Roaring Beat

San Antonio

It’s been a month since the abandoned dry cleaner building on San Pedro Avenue has seen this much action, with local bands rocking San Antonio in a wild feast of raging mosh pits and powerful death growls.

Roughly 200 to 300 People in Attendance

While the smell of cigarettes and cheap booze filled the air, nearly 200 to 300 showgoers garbed in vintage 2007 Myspace-inspired outfits brought the otherwise grungy space to life under a few dimmed light bulbs.

The audience livened up the space, crowd surfing, sprinting across the mosh pit, and stomping their Old Skool Vans and Doc Martens in time to the beat. This distinct display of electrifying energy, coupled with intense headbanging, undoubtedly set the rhythm of the show.

Electric Performances by Local Bands

The concert, spanning five hours, was highlighted by thrilling performances from local bands, VICTIMBLAMED, DogMad, and Law of Inertia. Each group brought a unique presence to the stage and created a memorable night for the attendees.

VICTIMBLAMED Ignites the Stage

New to the scene, but already making waves, VICTIMBLAMED impressed with their deathcore-inspired rock sounds. The enthusiasm of lead vocalist Cory Monroe was evident, as he embodied the aggressive energy of the mosh pit, growling into his mic with a persistence that never tired throughout the show. Not to be missed, the band will be performing next on March 9 at 6 p.m. at the Che Cafe in San Diego, CA.

DogMad Captivates with Versatility

Making their presence known as a screamo band from San Antonio, DogMad shone on stage. Despite their short time in the industry, they exhibited high-quality performance, led by Joseph Giuco’s impressive vocals. His transitions from deep growls to soft singing on their hit “sum of it” engaged the audience, promising a memorable evening for all. Fans can catch their next show at 7 p.m. on March 17 at Tandem, a coffee shop on Riverside Drive.

Law of Inertia’s Passionate Delivery

Travelling 900 miles from Tennessee, Law of Inertia proved they were not to be overlooked. The raw and passionate vocals of lead vocalist Hayden reverberated through the crowd, creating a sensation that could almost be felt at San Antonio College down the block. The band’s debut album “Rosary Promises LeadUsToInconsistentDamnations” is set to release on April 20 on all platforms.


It was an extraordinary night filled with powerful performances by local bands who proved they are a force to be reckoned with in the music industry. San Antonio was certainly rocked, and the supporters can now look forward to more thrilling performances with a heightened sense of anticipation. This unforgettable concert served as a reminder of the thriving music scene in San Antonio and Texas as a whole; a cultural enclave that is a testament to the vitality and dynamism of local music.

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