Off-Duty SAPD Officer Involved in Shooting of Three Dogs, Including His K-9 Partner

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Off-Duty SAPD Officer Involved in Shooting of Three Dogs, Including His K-9 Partner

San Antonio community Reeling After local incident

Residents of San Antonio are taken aback by an incident that occurred on a quiet neighborhood street. A local off-duty San Antonio Police Department (SAPD) officer was allegedly forced to fire upon three dogs, including his own assigned K-9, following an unexpected altercation in his backyard. The confrontation has reportedly resulted in the death of two dogs and left one in critical condition.

The Aftermath and Neighbor’s Reaction

Amanda Harris, a community resident and the owner of two of the affected dogs, spoke candidly about the incident. “I just wish it would’ve turned out differently, especially because we’re neighbors,” expressed Harris, showing remorse about the encounter. The third dog, which was fatally wounded, was the officer’s department-assigned K-9 partner.

Harris reveals that during the incident, she was oblivious until she heard a woman scream. “There was no dogs whining, no barking, no nothing,” Harris said. Only after hearing the agonized scream, she and her husband rushed towards the scene

The Incident: A Closer Look

According to the police report, the incident started when the neighbor’s dogs broke through the fence and entered the officer’s backyard, subsequently attacking his K-9. The officer, whose identity has not been disclosed, has 16 years of service and is a recognized K-9 handler. Despite his attempts to separate the dogs, he was unable to prevent the escalating attack.

The officer then reportedly fired multiple rounds at the dogs assaulting his K-9, hitting all three. As a direct result of the gunfire, both Harris’s dog, Dutch, and the SAPD K-9 were fatally wounded and died from the extent of their injuries. Harris’s second dog, Pearl, was critically injured and rushed to a veterinary clinic where her condition remains precarious.

Pending Investigations and Media Requests

Currently, the involved officer has been put on administrative duty pending separate investigations by the SAPD Shooting Team and the Internal Affairs units. Harris, in addition, is anxiously waiting to see if Pearl can recover from her injuries.

There are unconfirmed reports indicating that a video capturing the incident might exist. The video’s origin has not been identified yet. Several media outlets have reportedly requested the alleged video from SAPD.

Sanctions and Community Reaction

The incident has sparked a debate within the community. Harris’s husband was cited for two misdemeanors by animal control relating to Dutch. One of the violations was labeled ‘destruction of property’ and the other ‘free of restraint.’ “He (Dutch) was let out in his own backyard,” responded Harris. “You don’t put your dogs on leashes in their backyard.”

The incident serves as a stark reminder for pet owners to ensure their animals are safely contained, particularly in residential areas. The unfortunate episode resulted in the loss of two dogs, with a third battling for its life, and the professional future of the officer hanging in the balance.

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