San Antonio Mental Health Response Initiative Rapidly Expanding

Community mental health support

San Antonio Mental Health Response Initiative Rapidly Expanding

San Antonio Responds to Mental Health Crisis with Rapid Expansion of SA CORE Program

San Antonio – Mayor Ron Nirenberg and city council leaders are committed to addressing the growing mental health crisis in San Antonio with rapid expansion of the San Antonio Community Outreach and Resiliency Effort (SA CORE) program. This innovative mental health response program which began in spring 2022 as a small-scale pilot has expanded to offer citywide coverage and is soon expected to provide round-the-clock services.

The SA CORE Pilot Program

The pilot iteration of the SA CORE program consisted of a three-member team that included a San Antonio Police Officer from the Mental Health Unit, a San Antonio Fire Department paramedic, and a clinician from the Center for Health Care Services. Starting in April 2022, this team began responding to mental health crises in the downtown area and the West Side of San Antonio with the aim of providing help and support, rather than employing punitive measures. The approach provided substantial success, showing that on-the-scene intervention reduced the need for emergency detentions, arrests, or hospitalizations

Expansion of the SA CORE Program

Due to the impressive performance of their pilot project, San Antonio city leaders resolved in 2023 to fund an expansion of the program. In the first half of 2024, the program expanded to cover the entire city with the addition of two teams. Currently, three SA CORE teams cater to the needs of the city daily, from 7 a.m. to 11 p.m., each serving a specific third of the city. Plans to extend the program to 24-hour coverage are set to begin July 1, building on the success of the expanded program and the overall goal of the project.

The Future of the SA CORE Program

The ambitious aim to service all mental health-related 911 calls is yet to be a reality with the present staff strength and resources. However, the city council’s continued support for the program, and its proven effectiveness means that it is highly likely the program will see further resources, and increased staffing to meet this ambitious goal. Councilwoman Melissa Cabello Havrda, chairwoman of the Public Safety Committee, stated, “I do believe that this council will continue to push for more, but this is going to be beyond this council,”.

The rapid expansion and future plans for the SA CORE program demonstrates the commitment of San Antonio to addressing mental health crises in the community with innovative and non-punitive measures. This approach not only addresses immediate crises but also helps individuals navigate future mental health issues, which is a critical step in improving mental health across the city.

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