San Antonio Launches Smoke Testing Initiative to Detect Sewer Leaks and Protect Drinking Water

Sewer smoke testing process

San Antonio Kicks Off Smoke Testing for Sewer Leaks

Hey there, San Antonio! If you’ve noticed some activity around your neighborhood involving smoke testing, you’re not alone. The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) has launched an important initiative to help keep our drinking water clean and safe by identifying sewer leaks. This months-long process is focusing specifically on the sections over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone.

What’s the Deal with Smoke Testing?

So, you might be wondering, what exactly is smoke testing? Well, it’s a method that allows professionals to find leaks in sewer laterals. During these tests, harmless smoke is pumped into the sewer lines, and if there are any leaks, the smoke will escape and indicate where repairs are needed. It’s a simple yet effective way to ensure that our sewer systems are functioning properly, which ultimately helps protect our precious drinking water.

Stay Informed: What to Expect!

In an effort to keep everyone in the loop, SAWS will have contractors placing door hangers at homes in the affected areas. These hangers will provide pertinent information about the upcoming tests and what you need to do. It’s like a little heads-up before the smoke rolls in! Additionally, residents can keep an eye on social media and platforms like NextDoor for updates and notifications about the process.

No Need to Stay Home!

If you’re worried about being home when the tests happen, worry no more! Residents don’t need to be present during the smoke testing. However, there is one simple thing you can do to help keep your home smoke-free. Before the testing begins, it’s a great idea to run or pour water into all drains in your home. This creates a water barrier, helping to prevent any smoke from accidentally seeping inside. Easy peasy, right?

Why Is This Important?

You might be curious about why all this really matters. Well, protecting our water quality is a community effort. The Edwards Aquifer is a vital source of drinking water for many residents in our area, and maintaining its integrity is crucial for public health. By identifying and fixing leaks, we can help ensure that contaminants don’t make their way into our water supply.

Timeframe and Areas Affected

The smoke testing process will take several months, and will cover various neighborhoods over the Edwards Aquifer Recharge Zone. If you see the team out on the streets with smoke equipment, they’ll be busy doing their part to protect our water supply. So, don’t be alarmed; it’s all part of the plan!


It’s great to see San Antonio taking proactive steps to safeguard our environment and health. As testing continues, it’s essential for all of us to stay informed and participate where we can. Remember, when the SAWS folks come knocking, make sure to check your door hangers and keep those drains filled with water. Thanks for playing your part in keeping San Antonio’s water clean!

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