Recognize Him? Spurs Tattoo on Forearm, Call the U.S. Marshals

Fugitive with Spurs Tattoo.

Recognize Him? Spurs Tattoo on Forearm, Call the U.S. Marshals

U.S. Marshals Seeking Assistance

In San Antonio, the U.S. Marshals are calling on the community for help in locating a man named Alexander Gonzales. Gonzales is currently wanted due to allegations of violating the conditions of his supervised release following a prison sentence.


The authorities report that Gonzales was sentenced to five years in prison back in 2018. After serving his time, he was placed under five years of supervised release. Now, he faces new legal troubles after being charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon earlier this year.

Physical Description

Gonzales is described as a tall man, standing at 5 feet 11 inches and weighing around 250 pounds. While he may have changed his look since his last known appearance, he is known to have some distinctive tattoos. Most notably, he has a Spurs logo tattoo on his left forearm and a graphic of the grim reaper with skulls on his upper right arm.

Call to Action

The U.S. Marshals urge anyone who may have information regarding Gonzales’ whereabouts to reach out. If you think you might know where he is, please contact the U.S. Marshals at (210) 657-8500. Your help could be crucial in helping law enforcement out.


As the search for Alexander Gonzales continues, the authorities emphasize the importance of community involvement in such cases. Stay alert and help keep San Antonio safe.

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