Texas District Defends School Shooter Training Amid Backlash

Active shooter drill preparation.

Texas District Defends School Shooter Training Amid Backlash

Texas District Defends School Shooter Training Amid Backlash

Despite controversy and online backlash, Northside Independent School District (NISD) has defended its ‘Run, Hide, Fight’ training video. The video forms a critical element of the school’s proactive strategy towards managing potential active shooter situations, with a spokesperson for the district affirming that the video has been an instrumental tool in providing preparation and instilling vital knowledge among students and staff alike.

Decades-Old yet Essential, District Asserts

Introduced initially in 2019, the NISD’s training video has been a staple feature of the school district’s strategy to prepare students for worst case scenarios. Despite concerns voiced by some parents that such imagery and information could be potentially distressing for students, NISD stands firm in advocating its inherent worth. “We tried to take very, very good care in making sure that we did a video that was sensitive to all of the things that we knew people might have concerns about,” the district spokesperson said.

Production Process: Thorough and Considerate

To ensure utmost care and sensitivity, the district used counselors during the production of the video, in addition to drawing on examples from other districts to strike a balance between necessary information and student well-being. The project also went through numerous review channels before being published “We took great care to not show anything in the video that might be what we thought could be troubling,” mentioned the spokesperson.

Run, Hide, Fight: Third Graders and Up

The district has opted to show the video to students beginning from the third grade, with alternate lessons provided for younger students which feature reading materials and counselor-guided discussions. Additionally, an option is provided for parents to opt their children out of the training, with an alternative assignment offered as a substitute. However, the spokesperson encouraged participation, arguing that the training provides necessary understanding and preparation for students and staff in handling an exceedingly alarming reality in the education sphere today.

Real-life Scenarios and Preparedness

Given the rising prevalence of school threats and lockdown situations across Texas, the district sees the simulated training as essential survival knowledge for students. In fact, the spokesperson revealed that his high school son, who had watched the training video, was better prepared for actual lockdowns due to threats on campus. “So, I’m comforted as a parent knowing that he knows what to do. And yes, he sees it every year, and he has for the last five. It’s a good reminder for our students.” he stated.

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