Once in a Lifetime: WWII Veteran’s Emotional Return from 80th D-Day Anniversary in France

Elderly veteran emotional reunion.

‘Once in a Lifetime’: WWII Veteran’s Emotional Return from 80th D-Day Anniversary in France

San Antonio WWII Veteran Returns from Historic D-Day Anniversary Visit in France

Jerome Martin Rodriguez, a 97-year-old World War II (WWII) veteran and San Antonio native, reminisced on his memories from the war. The army veteran recently returned from an epic visit to France, where he attended the 80th anniversary of D-Day alongside other veterans. Rodriguez defined the journey as a “once in a lifetime” experience, marked by profound emotional moments and meeting with dignitaries in Paris.

A Look Back at a Legendary Battle

Rodriguez, born and raised in San Antonio, enlisted as a young man of 18 in 1945. His impressive stint in the army saw him serve in pivotal places of Europe, such as Austria, Germany, and France. Reflecting on his younger days, Rodriguez said, “I was called, and I answered. They command me, and I did what I was ordered to do.”

The D-Day invasion, officially known as Operation Overlord, commenced on 6 June 1944, an event that will forever be remembered as one of the turning points in the fight towards ending WWII.

Treasured Memories and Unforgettable Experiences

The senior veteran became emotional while recounting his experience at the 80th D-Day anniversary ceremony in France. Strong emotions were palpable as he stated, “I survived and thank God,” acknowledging the numerous lives lost during the formidable invasion.

During the visit, the WWII veteran also had a unique honor of meeting several dignitaries. He was greeted by “some general and some commissioner and some lady — a lady of the President or something,” as he described while recalling the moment with a sense of humility and honor.

Remembering the Fallen

Another noteworthy moment of the journey was visiting the stirring landscapes of the beaches of Normandy, where feelings of gratitude and sadness were intertwined. Being a part of the historic event, Rodriguez stated that his main motivation to visit France was to pay tribute to his fallen comrades. “It is so bad that we lost so many people,” he said, his voice heavy with emotion.

A Hope for Peace

Looking back at his own experiences and the immense loss of life during the war, Rodriguez expressed his sorrow and a hope that future generations will remember the harsh lessons of war. He said, “I would hope that people would learn that killing other people is not going to solve anything.”

In reflection of his long life and his rich past, Rodriguez does not wish for peoples’ focus to be just on the glory of victories but on the immense loss and suffering that wars bring. This visit to France surely served as a vivid reminder of our past and a hope for a future where such horrors can be avoided.

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